Yo side of the bed...

yo side of the bed is empty
sheets been change
many a days have passed
I've imagined us laying there
and i laugh
who knew this would become a solo deal
shit is rough
life is real
who knew
the love that was spoken had conditions
that weren't run past during the 
commission of the relationship
negate a lot of shit
grin grit teeth 
shake it off
just absorb that shit
in the name of love 
careless whispers
and shutdown support
getting the short end of the stick
biggest cheerleader pom-poms dismissed
yo side of the bed is empty cause you ain't there
starting to think its by choice
that's not fair
clear the air and be fair
never chose assumption over truth
but this novels edges are worn
torn tattered and misused
feelings are a abused
expect to get what you give out 
yo side of the bed will be utilized
by a body pillow
your height your size
resting my thigh up on it
but its not the same...


♥ CG ♥ said…
"the love that was spoken had conditions" and "biggest cheerleader pom-poms dismissed" speak to me like very few words have lately...powerful piece :-)
Reggie said…
You know Angie, sometimes I forget that you've got these mad skillz.

Nice post.
Thanks yall crazy when going through some rral shit I drop my hottest realisms...i appreciate yall

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