*Challenge Intermission* I'm really TIRED
I'm pissed off at myself right now...I'm allowing some bullshit to continue and i want to kick my own ass. I'm allowing some things that if it wasn't my situation i would give the side eye to. These muthafuckas got the game messed up. My heart is big, but my brains ain't small. I can't for the life of me process where things went wrong but today, TODAY I'm fuckin fed up. Tired of being understanding, tired of believing in people, tired of giving my all and only getting half reciprocated. Tears in my lap ain't gonna work...lame excuses ain't gonna work. I need some "sunshine" in my life right now. I went from being on top of the world to feeling like Ugly Betty. what the fuck is that about? Anyway, i don't necessarily wanna call no one out I'm just simply pissed at my behavior these last couple months. I'm really disappointed in myself. I've been through alot, and i need to just press pause. That is all.