15 Something or someone you couldnt live without because you tried living without it.

15. Something or someone you couldn't live without because you tried living without it.

this is one of the things i pondered about... I'm drawing a blank.

I'm gonna say my sister Theresa...

we have fell out so many times over silly ish of course. I think the longest we haven't talked was like six months. I love my sister but boy do we have opposite personalities and views. We have always been like night and day but the one thing we are is sisters for life. She is my conscience i take her criticism seriously. I may not like it but i do respect it because it comes from love.

One thing my sister don't play is someone messing over her sister. Whether it is love, money, or my kids she always offers her two cents and i listen. She is my big-little sister cause she has more "street knowledge" than me. she has had it a bit rougher than me and i wish she didn't have to experience any of it. I take good care of my sis when i can. through her surgeries and giving birth to my nieces, and her many trips to the ER i couldn't imagine living without her. that's my baby she is the bomb...

Day 15  - My Truth
This is her favorite song...


Reggie said…
My brother and I are as different as night and day. He's the oldest, I'm the youngest. We have a completely different view on so many things.

I love him. He's not heavy, he's my brother. But sometimes........I don't understand that brother.

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