Day 1 Truth - Something I hate about myself

Procrastination.....I'm forever putting something off.
Very indecisive at times and it can be helpful and then again hurtful. I pay bills at last minute...bad habit. I say I'm gonna lose weight I've put it off for the last 12 weeks. It took me a good while to get totally fed up with the ex to just flat out give the duecesand I'm glad I waited. He was already in the process of getting things together to move.

I have been procrastinating big time when it comes to getting this poetry book published. I'm easily distracted and I sometime don't consider my work good enough. Yeah I have support behind me but I need that extra push sometimes. My drivers license has been suspended and I have yet to take care of it (been bout 3 years). I wasn't worried bout it but now I'm concerned cause it gonna prevent me from getting the car I want. I totally need to address it. I told myself that procrastinating was my defense in case something goes wrong I didn't jump the gun with any decisions.

Very very bad habit that I hate about myself is accepting people I read ppl well I also sympathize with their situation when I kno good and damn well that the brought it on themselves. I've heal off on telling them they suck cause I'm "waiting" for them to fuck up so I got a quick out. I need to straight up tell them they suck. I'm working on it people. The first step is done admitting it.

First Truth out the


Ms toy said…
LOl....totally feel you on this,truth....i felt like I wrote this myself!
Girl that's great to know im not alone in this
Reggie said…
I feel you Budda, nice post.

We've known each other online for quite some time now. But, I'm looking forward to learning just a little more about you through this series of posts.
BE Lauriette said…
Girl, that procrastination will get ya every time. It's like sitting on the fence refusing to make a decision on which side to jump down on. I know the feeling. I lost a chance on getting an apartment because of procrastination. All I can say is try to push yourself as much as you can. Knowing you have the problem is half the battle; now snuff it out.
Thee_Kween said…
*raising hand slightly* LOL

I have this issue, too! I definitely think it's rooted in a fear of some kind. I'm all about fighting my fears this year.

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