Day 14 - You Let Me Down

"Dear Love":

You have let me down many of times. You have claimed alot of tears. You have made me feel good like a nice cool breeze on a 100 degree weather. Only to drop me like an injured NFL player in his prime. I have sought refuge from you and still you find me like a soldier in the fire hole looking for the enemy.

Why wont you let me be? Why wont you spare me the lies, the deception, the empty promises...don't you get it? I'm fed up.Ii ask that you send me or reveal what your motive is for the waste of my precious time. I chose you as my "let down" because you have appeared to be a flighty thing...*hahaha* you have made a fool of me many times and i hate to be made a fool of.

Now i know you mean well and i get that every experience is a lesson. I think i have enough credits to graduate from the course. Love, if you have any heart you will allow me the real thing. Oh yeah thanks for my kids they love me unconditionally, but they will grow up and share that love one day with someone else. Right now mommy needs a life partner to share her heart/love/life with. Love, do a sister a favor, put a good word in for me with your people. I have a feeling you are already working it out for me.

Thanks in advance, Angie
"im not talkin bout a 30/70 talking bout a 50/50 love" Prophet Jones *sang fellas*


Thanks Reggie it was from the the heart

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