Day 18 - I Now Pronounce you Husband and...husband

Day 18- My views on Gay Marriage

i believe in love
man and woman
woman and woman/man and man
whatever floats your boat and makes YOU happy is fine with me... noone wants to be lonely and we all have our wants and needs. I think if you find your llove with the same sex go for it!!! Why be lonely cause the world says its wrong. I have plenty of gay/lesbian/bisexual friends who have storybook relationships. I don't care to think of the "sexual" part of the marriage. Just like "the normal" couples if two people share there lives together and live as one they should be afforded the opportunity to marry if if you dont agree
1. dont attend the ceremony
2. pray for their union to be a lasting one
3. mind ya damn business
4. who the hell cares live your life

If it makes you happy it cant be that bad...i cant remember who sings it but yall get my point. God is the ONLY judge.found the song by Sheryl Crow

Day 18- My Truth


Reggie said…
Although I must admit when I was younger, I had a completely different view; I share your view of this at this point in my life.

The funniest quote on gay marriage I ever heard was uttered by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, he said...

I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.

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