Day 2 - I love My Honesty

What I love about myself?

*twists lips*

I have to say my ability to just be me…*singing* I’m real what you get is what you see! Que JLo & JaRule

I sometimes think that’s a gift and a curse. I used to be so quiet and passive when I was younger. I wasn’t sheltered. I wasn't spoiled. I was alone a lot with my thoughts and feelings. No outlet at all. I wrote myself letters and poems. I think being quiet was a bad personality trait for me. Because when I did let loose I was a fireball. That was right around the end of my high school years.

I believe that I say things people wont, don’t, and shouldn’t say. I give the truth when asked and don’t hold back. I don’t try to hurt people feelings I just try to give the truth and not sugar coat and regret I didn’t make myself crystal clear. My only thing is I’ve been called mean and bitchy…I consider myself open, honest, and opinionate and able to accept people for whom and what they are.

My truthfulness is something others admire about me. I sometimes keep my opinion to myself to spare others. I don’t want anyone thinking i'm miss goodie two shoes cause i’m not i’m harder on myself than anyone in the world. I love that I can express myself through writing my poetry, blogs and wilding out on Facebook. Well that’s what I love about me. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Lata ppl.


Thee_Kween said…
I love that about you, too sis. Straight no chaser. That's better than wondering and being confused. Loving your truth :)
anthony said…
Always speak your truthfullness...thats what i love about you,keep saying whats on your mind,your poetry and blogging is as beautiful as you are.....Thank you for feeding our minds.
Reggie said…
You certainly shoot it straight Budda.

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