Day 20 - I smoke...I drink

20. My views on drug and alcohol

"I smoke... i drank i been trying to stop but i cant"
My view is that i have smoked weed and drank my share of spirits. in these 34 years i have developed a tolerance for many things. i don't do any "hard drugs" nor have i been tempted to try any. I drink socially and have the occasional glass of wine at home. I actually work in a department that see the effects of drinking and smoking. I work for a solid organ transplant department and we are affiliated with a heart and vascular department which services people with issues sometimes relative to excessive smoking.

I really advise anyone who does any of these things to do those with moderation and not excessively. no one wants to sit on a transplant list or be walking around with an oxygen tank hanging off ya. I see nothing wrong with it as long as your 21 or older and don't go over board. I have had my nights that i just did too much and you would have never known unless you were the carpet in my house i woke up to. I hate to see women sloppy drunk and belligerent...not a good look people.
everything in moderation i say...
Day 20 - My truth


Reggie said…
Everyone in my immediate family but me smokes. Both of my parents have had cancer. My sister and brother both smoke like industry. I'll probably smoke one cigar a year, that's it. I used to smoke a little weed in college, but never too much; besides back then I couldn't afford to buy a pizza every time one of the brothers lit one up. Occasionally now I'll have a glass of scotch, probably three times a year at the most. I just can't abide or afford those vices, I've got too many other things to spend my money on. With two children in college and a mortgage I just don't have the inclination or the desire to waste my money on such vices. Before I married, I used to drink enough beer daily to float a battleship; but when I married my priorities changed. I don't even like the taste of beer anymore.

Kick those habits Angie. I like you, I'd like to see you live a long goddamned time.
i only drink every now and then...the weed smoking tapered off last working on it Reg
Thee_Kween said…
All you can do is work on it. I admire that. Some are stuck in the notion that smoking and drinking is the "life". There's no future in their frontin'. LOL

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