Random bloggin

Ever had the notion to go right up side someone head with no care in the world of the consequences? I'm having that kinda thing today.i hate when miserable people do sucka shit. From lazy ass coworkers to the coworker who comes to work with her ass on her shoulders and snaps on you every time you ask her something til you check her bout her tone. I have my days but I stay quiet and never clock on someone for something that doesn't have a thing to do with them.
Today is just not a day for me to care I'm doing my work and minding my biz...i don't care bout nobody husband wife dogs kids etc.  There is no reason for us  to be taking bout knitting when the phone is ringing off the hook. Who cares about your husband prostate? Really? Shoot me! It doesn't make it any better that I'm the only unmarried person in my particular office. So I don't relate to their stories.
They praise me for bring a single mother...and that they don't great much complaint or negativity from me and they won't. Where I used to work too much was shared...i learned that less is more. Let folks watch and evaluate your work performance. Everything else is irrelevant. I'm sitting at my desk now typing away on my phone minding my damn biz with my head phones bumping Kem. Knowing I will have a job for a long time if I stay in my lane.  Just a random blog of the top don't pay me no mind folks. Toodles.


Reggie said…
I know exactly how you feel. There are days I'd love to tell some of the people in my office off too. No, I don't want to know what they did this weekend and I don't want to know with whom. I don't give a shit.

People talking about their happy this and that......knowing they're completely full of shit.

I'm sick of the people in my office that praise God one minute and are talking about someone behind their back the next minute......and then talking about firing some undeserving unfortunate.


I totally feel you.
Reg sometimes that anger management dont be working for me and i have to leave out the office and catch some air...im telling ya ive come a long way lol. Only thing i can say is i havent heard anybody speaking negatively about me personally and when others get to chattin i have to tune them out.

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