You don't know...
You don't know that i wake up thank God for every single one of the parts of my body that can move in the morning.
You don't know i cry every now and then cause i have some much going on.
You don't know every time i look at my kids i wish they had a better mother to care for them.
You don't know that i hide the tears streaming down my face when i hear a gospel song that preaches God's greatness and our need to praise him every chance we get.
You don't know i have something...i try to block it out but it shows its head every time i pop those pills
You don't know i have not felt beautiful in a while... i think of myself as washed up
You don't know i stare into the stars and wish for a comfortable ending
You don't know what I'm going through
You cant tell me who to trust
You cant tell me how much i need you
You cant stop my praise cause its natural
You cant stop my soul from yearning for renewal
You don't know me
You don't own me
You will never understand what I'm going through so why why would i tell you?