Dear Stress, Let's Break Up.

Not bout to moan about my issues too much but i want this stress thats surrounding me to go the fuck away. I get so down sometime and it makes me a mean person. I've spent the last few months with my siblings trying to keep our mother together. She just recently found out she is in the advance stages of urethral cancer. It's incurable but it can be shrunk to extend her life. This lady is one of the strongest most independent people I know. Not easy seeing her have to be helped to get around or to the restroom. She always keeping us together.

Besides my mom's struggle life as a mom is just not getting easier. I am proud of my son's dad for stepping up and getting my son for the summer it made it easier for me to be around for my mom. My daughter dad I don't know...he is a little off right now. I'll give him a pass though cause he lost his father over the past year and I know he isn't dealing with that well. He always been present since she has been on this Earth so what more can I ask for. I pray my kids start this school year off with the right behavior and focus. It's gonna be all bad if they don't. I got a trick or two for them if they don't. They are a hop skip and a jump from being young adults so it's time to get right. Hard to believe I'm a mother to a almost 13 and 16 year old.,,and close to kickin 40 in the ass. Wow.

Another thing that is stressing me out is work. I have zero tolerance for lazy people, kiss ass people, and management that brush things off. I feel like I should be looking for something else... I don't know but I'm going to seek out taking some classed to improve my pay and maybe move on to greener pastures. Just don't want to be stuck. Y'all know how that go.

Love life.... is at a stand still. I thought someone was interested in me but that went from straight hot and interesting to dry. No relations at all just convo and cute exchanges. I just am very much not into trusting the things people say to be and more into the things they do. I don't know. I've been burned and it's haunting the hell out of me. *throws hands up*

thanks for reading my crap folks...until next time :)


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